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My code from the exercises of Level 1 of Kaggle's Learn Machine Learning series

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Python machine learning

Level 1 Learn Maching Learning series on Kaggle

I went through the level 1 Learn Machine Learning series on Kaggle using Python ( The data used is from the Home Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques competition.

This post will show the section name, my code from the corresponding section for the instructions under Your Turn, and some brief notes on what is taught in each section. You should go to the links to learn and also do yourself as I found this very helpful. Even if you’ve taken other machine learning courses as I have, this is a good refresher.

Section 2

Starting Your ML Project

This section has you load the data and set up the computing environment for the project. You also view summary statistics and columns.

# Import the pandas library
import pandas as pd
# Save filepath to variable
training_data_filepath = "C:/Development/Kaggle/House Prices - Advanced \
Regression Techniques/train.csv"

# Read the data and store in a dataframe called training_set
training_set = pd.read_csv(training_data_filepath)

# Print a summary of the data in training_set
                Id   MSSubClass  LotFrontage        LotArea  OverallQual  \
count  1460.000000  1460.000000  1201.000000    1460.000000  1460.000000   
mean    730.500000    56.897260    70.049958   10516.828082     6.099315   
std     421.610009    42.300571    24.284752    9981.264932     1.382997   
min       1.000000    20.000000    21.000000    1300.000000     1.000000   
25%     365.750000    20.000000    59.000000    7553.500000     5.000000   
50%     730.500000    50.000000    69.000000    9478.500000     6.000000   
75%    1095.250000    70.000000    80.000000   11601.500000     7.000000   
max    1460.000000   190.000000   313.000000  215245.000000    10.000000   

       OverallCond    YearBuilt  YearRemodAdd   MasVnrArea   BsmtFinSF1  \
count  1460.000000  1460.000000   1460.000000  1452.000000  1460.000000   
mean      5.575342  1971.267808   1984.865753   103.685262   443.639726   
std       1.112799    30.202904     20.645407   181.066207   456.098091   
min       1.000000  1872.000000   1950.000000     0.000000     0.000000   
25%       5.000000  1954.000000   1967.000000     0.000000     0.000000   
50%       5.000000  1973.000000   1994.000000     0.000000   383.500000   
75%       6.000000  2000.000000   2004.000000   166.000000   712.250000   
max       9.000000  2010.000000   2010.000000  1600.000000  5644.000000   

           ...         WoodDeckSF  OpenPorchSF  EnclosedPorch    3SsnPorch  \
count      ...        1460.000000  1460.000000    1460.000000  1460.000000   
mean       ...          94.244521    46.660274      21.954110     3.409589   
std        ...         125.338794    66.256028      61.119149    29.317331   
min        ...           0.000000     0.000000       0.000000     0.000000   
25%        ...           0.000000     0.000000       0.000000     0.000000   
50%        ...           0.000000    25.000000       0.000000     0.000000   
75%        ...         168.000000    68.000000       0.000000     0.000000   
max        ...         857.000000   547.000000     552.000000   508.000000   

       ScreenPorch     PoolArea       MiscVal       MoSold       YrSold  \
count  1460.000000  1460.000000   1460.000000  1460.000000  1460.000000   
mean     15.060959     2.758904     43.489041     6.321918  2007.815753   
std      55.757415    40.177307    496.123024     2.703626     1.328095   
min       0.000000     0.000000      0.000000     1.000000  2006.000000   
25%       0.000000     0.000000      0.000000     5.000000  2007.000000   
50%       0.000000     0.000000      0.000000     6.000000  2008.000000   
75%       0.000000     0.000000      0.000000     8.000000  2009.000000   
max     480.000000   738.000000  15500.000000    12.000000  2010.000000   

count    1460.000000  
mean   180921.195890  
std     79442.502883  
min     34900.000000  
25%    129975.000000  
50%    163000.000000  
75%    214000.000000  
max    755000.000000  

[8 rows x 38 columns]
# Print the columns in training_set
Index(['Id', 'MSSubClass', 'MSZoning', 'LotFrontage', 'LotArea', 'Street',
       'Alley', 'LotShape', 'LandContour', 'Utilities', 'LotConfig',
       'LandSlope', 'Neighborhood', 'Condition1', 'Condition2', 'BldgType',
       'HouseStyle', 'OverallQual', 'OverallCond', 'YearBuilt', 'YearRemodAdd',
       'RoofStyle', 'RoofMatl', 'Exterior1st', 'Exterior2nd', 'MasVnrType',
       'MasVnrArea', 'ExterQual', 'ExterCond', 'Foundation', 'BsmtQual',
       'BsmtCond', 'BsmtExposure', 'BsmtFinType1', 'BsmtFinSF1',
       'BsmtFinType2', 'BsmtFinSF2', 'BsmtUnfSF', 'TotalBsmtSF', 'Heating',
       'HeatingQC', 'CentralAir', 'Electrical', '1stFlrSF', '2ndFlrSF',
       'LowQualFinSF', 'GrLivArea', 'BsmtFullBath', 'BsmtHalfBath', 'FullBath',
       'HalfBath', 'BedroomAbvGr', 'KitchenAbvGr', 'KitchenQual',
       'TotRmsAbvGrd', 'Functional', 'Fireplaces', 'FireplaceQu', 'GarageType',
       'GarageYrBlt', 'GarageFinish', 'GarageCars', 'GarageArea', 'GarageQual',
       'GarageCond', 'PavedDrive', 'WoodDeckSF', 'OpenPorchSF',
       'EnclosedPorch', '3SsnPorch', 'ScreenPorch', 'PoolArea', 'PoolQC',
       'Fence', 'MiscFeature', 'MiscVal', 'MoSold', 'YrSold', 'SaleType',
       'SaleCondition', 'SalePrice'],

Section 3

Selecting and Filtering in Pandas

This section has you use pandas to select the data you want to use, which allows you to get the data ready for modeling.

# Store the series of prices separately as training_price_data
training_price_data = training_set.SalePrice

# Print the first 5 records
0    208500
1    181500
2    223500
3    140000
4    250000
Name: SalePrice, dtype: int64
# Create a list with the columns I am interested in
columns_of_interest = ["LotArea", "YearBuilt"]

# Create a dataframe with just those columns
training_two_columns = training_set[columns_of_interest]

# Print a summary of the training_two_columns dataframe
             LotArea    YearBuilt
count    1460.000000  1460.000000
mean    10516.828082  1971.267808
std      9981.264932    30.202904
min      1300.000000  1872.000000
25%      7553.500000  1954.000000
50%      9478.500000  1973.000000
75%     11601.500000  2000.000000
max    215245.000000  2010.000000

Section 4

Your First Scikit-Learn Model

Building your first model! Spoiler: it’s a Decision Tree model. :-)

# Select the target variable and call it y
y = training_set.SalePrice
# Create a list of the predictor variables
predictors = ["LotArea", "YearBuilt", "1stFlrSF", "2ndFlrSF", "FullBath",
              "BedroomAbvGr", "TotRmsAbvGrd"]

# Create a new dataframe with the predictors list
X = training_set[predictors]
# Import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor

# Define the first model
tree_model = DecisionTreeRegressor()

# Fit model, y)
DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,
           max_leaf_nodes=None, min_impurity_decrease=0.0,
           min_impurity_split=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
           min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
           presort=False, random_state=None, splitter='best')
# Make some predictions
print("Making predictions for the first 10 houses")
print("The predictions are:")
Making predictions for the first 10 houses
   LotArea  YearBuilt  1stFlrSF  2ndFlrSF  FullBath  BedroomAbvGr  \
0     8450       2003       856       854         2             3   
1     9600       1976      1262         0         2             3   
2    11250       2001       920       866         2             3   
3     9550       1915       961       756         1             3   
4    14260       2000      1145      1053         2             4   
5    14115       1993       796       566         1             1   
6    10084       2004      1694         0         2             3   
7    10382       1973      1107       983         2             3   
8     6120       1931      1022       752         2             2   
9     7420       1939      1077         0         1             2   

0             8  
1             6  
2             6  
3             7  
4             9  
5             5  
6             7  
7             7  
8             8  
9             5  
The predictions are:
[208500. 181500. 223500. 140000. 250000. 143000. 307000. 200000. 129900.

Section 5

Model Validation

This section introduces model validation to measure the performance of the model. You also learn about «in-sample» scores and why you should split your data into training and test sets.

from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Split data into training and validation data, for both predictors and
# target.
# The split is based on a random number generator. Supplying a numeric value
# to the random_state argument guarantees we get the same split every time we
# run this script. It can be any number; I'm choosing 42.
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=42)

# Define the model
tree_model = DecisionTreeRegressor()

# Fit model, y_train)

# Get predicted prices on validation data
predictions_val = tree_model.predict(X_val)
print(mean_absolute_error(y_val, predictions_val))

Section 6

Underfitting, Overfitting, and Model Optimization

In this section you learn about underfitting, overfitting, and optimizing your model. The max_leaf_nodes argument is used to provide a very sensible way to control overfitting vs underfitting in Decision Tree models.

# Create a utility function to help compare MAE scores from different values
# for *max_leaf_nodes*.
def get_mae(max_leaf_nodes, predictors_train, val_predictors, targ_train,
    model = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_leaf_nodes=max_leaf_nodes,
                                  random_state=42), targ_train)
    preds_val = model.predict(val_predictors)
    mae = mean_absolute_error(targ_val, preds_val)
# Loop through a list of max leaf nodes and print the MAE of each
for max_leaf_nodes in [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000]:
    my_mae = get_mae(max_leaf_nodes, X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val)
    print("Max leaf nodes: {0} \t\t Mean Absolute Error: {1}".
          format(max_leaf_nodes, my_mae))
Max leaf nodes: 5        Mean Absolute Error: 35244.94032482636
Max leaf nodes: 10       Mean Absolute Error: 31256.15612179911
Max leaf nodes: 25       Mean Absolute Error: 29611.012298361497
Max leaf nodes: 50       Mean Absolute Error: 27232.09960472095
Max leaf nodes: 100          Mean Absolute Error: 27021.244092878136
Max leaf nodes: 200          Mean Absolute Error: 29015.822642629737
Max leaf nodes: 500          Mean Absolute Error: 31450.856430996708
Max leaf nodes: 1000         Mean Absolute Error: 31717.233789954334
Max leaf nodes: 5000         Mean Absolute Error: 31724.594520547944

Section 7

Random Forests

This section has use a Random Forest model and you can compare the results to the Decision Tree one.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

# Create the second model, a Random Forest
forest_model = RandomForestRegressor(), y_train)
forest_preds = forest_model.predict(X_val)
print(mean_absolute_error(y_val, forest_preds))

Putting all the code in one place

# Import the necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

# Save filepath to variable
training_data_filepath = "C:/Development/Kaggle/House Prices - Advanced \
Regression Techniques/train.csv"

# Read the data and store in a dataframe called training_set
training_set = pd.read_csv(training_data_filepath)

# Print a summary of the data in training_set

# Print the columns in training_set

# Store the series of prices separately as training_price_data
training_price_data = training_set.SalePrice

# Print the first 5 records

# Create a list with the columns I am interested in
columns_of_interest = ["LotArea", "YearBuilt"]

# Create a dataframe with just those columns
training_two_columns = training_set[columns_of_interest]

# Print a summary of the training_two_columns dataframe

# Select the target variable and call it y
y = training_set.SalePrice

# Create a list of the predictor variables
predictors = ["LotArea", "YearBuilt", "1stFlrSF", "2ndFlrSF", "FullBath",
              "BedroomAbvGr", "TotRmsAbvGrd"]

# Create a new dataframe with the predictors list
X = training_set[predictors]

# Define the first model, a Decision Tree
tree_model = DecisionTreeRegressor()

# Fit model, y)

# Make some predictions
print("Making predictions for the first 10 houses")
print("The predictions are:")

# Split data into training and validation data, for both predictors and
# target.
# The split is based on a random number generator. Supplying a numeric value
# to the random_state argument guarantees we get the same split every time we
# run this script. It can be any number; I'm choosing 42.
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=42)

# Define the model
tree_model = DecisionTreeRegressor()

# Fit model, y_train)

# Get predicted prices on validation data
predictions_val = tree_model.predict(X_val)
print(mean_absolute_error(y_val, predictions_val))

# Create a utility function to help compare MAE scores from differevalues for
# *max_leaf_nodes*.
def get_mae(max_leaf_nodes, predictors_train, val_predictors, targ_train,
    model = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_leaf_nodes=max_leaf_nodes,
                                  random_state=42), targ_train)
    preds_val = model.predict(val_predictors)
    mae = mean_absolute_error(targ_val, preds_val)

# Loop through a list of max leaf nodes and print the MAE of each
for max_leaf_nodes in [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000]:
    my_mae = get_mae(max_leaf_nodes, X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val)
    print("Max leaf nodes: {0} \t\t Mean Absolute Error: {1}".
          format(max_leaf_nodes, my_mae))

# Create the second model, a Random Forest
forest_model = RandomForestRegressor(), y_train)
forest_preds = forest_model.predict(X_val)
print(mean_absolute_error(y_val, forest_preds))

My next post will be the level 2 part of the series and after that I’m going to do it in R. I’m hoping to have level 2 up in a few days, a week at most.
